NEdit-ng has additional options to those provided in the Preferences menu which are set in the config.ini file.

Selected Configuration Item Names

The following are selected NEdit-ng configuration item names and default values for NEdit-ng options not settable via the Preferences menu (for preference value names, see your NEdit-ng config.ini file):

  • nedit.tagFile: (not defined)
    This can be the name of a file, or multiple files separated by a colon : character, of the type produced by Exuberant Ctags or the Unix ctags command, which NEdit-ng will load at startup time (see Finding Declarations (ctags)). The tag file provides a database from which NEdit-ng can automatically open files containing the definition of a particular subroutine or data type.

  • nedit.alwaysCheckRelativeTagsSpecs: True
    When this value is set to True, and there are tag files specified (with the nedit.tagFile setting, see above) as relative paths, NEdit-ng will evaluate these tag value paths whenever a file is opened. All accessible tag files will be loaded at this time. When this value is False, relative path tag specifications will only be evaluated at NEdit-ng startup time.

  • nedit.wordDelimiters: .,/\`'!@#%^&*()-=+{}[]":;<>?
    The set of characters which mark the boundaries between words. In addition to these, spaces, tabs, and newlines are always word boundaries.

    These boundaries take effect for the move-by-word (Ctrl + Arrow) and select-word (double click) commands, and for doing regex searches using the \B, < and > tokens.

    Note that this default value may be overridden by the setting in Preferences → Default Settings → Language Modes....

  • nedit.typingHidesPointer: False
    Setting this value to True causes the mouse pointer to be hidden when you type in the text area. As soon as the mouse pointer is moved, it will reappear. This is useful to stop the mouse pointer from obscuring text.

  • nedit.maxPrevOpenFiles: 30
    Number of files listed in File → Open Previous. Setting this to zero disables File → Open Previous and maintenance of the NEdit-ng file history file.

  • nedit.findReplaceUsesSelection: False
    Controls if the Find and Replace dialogs are automatically loaded with the contents of the primary selection.

  • nedit.stickyCaseSenseButton: True
    Controls if the "Case Sensitive" buttons in the Find and Replace dialogs and the incremental search bar maintain a separate state for literal and regular expression searches. Moreover, when set to True, by default literal searches are case insensitive and regular expression searches are case sensitive. When set to False, the "Case Sensitive" buttons are independent of the "Regular Expression" toggle.

  • nedit.undoModifiesSelection: True
    By default, NEdit-ng selects any text inserted or changed through a undo/redo action. Set this value to False if you don't want your selection to be touched.

  • nedit.autoWrapPastedText: False
    When Auto Newline Wrap is turned on, apply automatic wrapping (which normally only applies to typed text) to pasted text as well.

  • nedit.heavyCursor: False
    For monitors with poor resolution or users who have difficulty seeing the cursor, makes the cursor in the text editing area of the window heavier and darker.

  • nedit.autoScrollVPadding: 4
    Number of lines to keep the cursor away from the top or bottom line of the window when the "Auto-Scroll Near Window Top/Bottom" feature is enabled. Keyboard operations that would cause the cursor to get closer than this distance cause the window to scroll up or down instead, except at the beginning of the file. Mouse operations are not affected.

  • nedit.backlightCharTypes: 0-8,10-31,127:red;9:#dedede;32,160-255:#f0f0f0;128-159:orange
    (see Programming with NEdit-ng).

    A string specifying character classes as ranges of ASCII values followed by the color to be used as their background colors. The format is:


    where low and high are ASCII values.

    For example: 32-255:#f0f0f0;1-31,127:red;128-159:orange;9-13:#e5e5e5

  • nedit.focusOnRaise: False
    This setting determines whether new text windows and text windows that are raised, should also request the input focus. Conventionally, it is the task of the window manager to decide on which window gets the input focus. Therefore, NEdit-ng's default behaviour is not to request the input focus explicitly.

  • nedit.forceOSConversion: True
    By default, NEdit-ng converts texts in MS-DOS or Mac format to an internal format using simple newlines as line dividers. This is sometimes not wanted by the user and can be prevented by setting this value to False.

    Note: Setting this to False would supress newlines in Mac files entirely, leaving the control character <cr> where every line feed would be. macOS uses Unix files and is not affected.

    Note: Setting this to False while the option 'Terminate with Line Break on Save' is active could lead to file corruption.

  • nedit.truncSubstitution: Fail
    NEdit-ng has a fixed limit on substitution result string length. This value modifies the behaviour if this limit is exceeded. Possible values are Silent (0, will silently fail the operation), Fail (1, will fail the operation and pop up a dialog informing the user; this is the default), Warn (2, pops up a dialog warning the user, offering to cancel the operation) and Ignore (3, will silently conclude the operation).

    WARNING: Setting this to Ignore can destroy data without warning!

  • nedit.honorSymlinks: True
    If set to True, NEdit-ng will open a requested file on disk even if it is a symlink pointing to a file already opened in another window. If set to False, NEdit-ng will try to detect these cases and just pop up the already opened document.